Pumping the Triassic Era into the Atmosphere

For over 200 years we have been pumping half of the dinosaur era into the sky and knocking atmosphere off kilter. All of the carbon that was around at that time has been released into the atmosphere.

What was the world like 200 million years ago?

What is the world like now?

Back then (200 million years ago) it was wetter and hotter. With more water molecules in the atmosphere heat energy was trapped in the atmosphere and it was a lot hotter than todays climate.

Early Triassic: Temperatures were lethal, averaging 122–140°F in tropical areas and 104°F in the sea. Land temperatures may have reached 50–60°C. This period was characterized by a runaway greenhouse effect caused by volcanic activity in the late Permian era.

Petroleum, natural gas and coal come from biomass, primarily from plankton and decaying marine organisms, and “single-celled bacteria” that “evolved in the Earth’s oceans about three billion years ago.”

The key mitigator is carbon. 200 million years ago it wasn’t in the ground it was in the atmosphere. It was 10 degrees hotter as all of the sunk carbon was in the atmosphere.

There wasn’t layers and layers of oil,methane, coal and gas in the ground. All of this is sunk carbon from that time. Once you bring all of this back to the surface and into the atmosphere the earth will get hot again. The only reason why the earth got cold was because the carbon was sunk into the ground. We are now releasing all of this carbon into the atmosphere. We have used half of the worlds know usable oil – the earth is warming an the weather is becoming severe.

We have sucked the Mesozoic era out of the ground and spewed it into our atmosphere which, if not stopped will put an end to the Holocene Epoch and humanity will end up as a fossilized species.

We are currently warming up the planet more than since there have been humans around.

Only about one two-thousandth of the atmosphere and one ten-thousandth of the ocean are carbon dioxide. Yet to living creatures, these small fractions are of vital importance … Within a few short centuries, we are returning to the air a significant part of the carbon that was slowly extracted by plants and buried in the sediments during half a billion years. Quoted from:  Climatic Change: Are We on the Brink of a Pronounced Global Warming?

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