The golden era of the eighties, ninetees and noughties is over. Our pax Romana has finished. The barbarians are at the gates. Our brief period of peace and prosperity has come to an end. We rose with our mighty empire and colonized the weak. Now the weak have become strong and united against us. The race for what’s left; a scramble for dwindling resources has begun. The whole world expects to live like they are kings of a global empire. This is untenable as a multi planet level of consumption will end the equilibrium that makes earth habitable for us all. The age of affluence is creating too much effluence. A few million people can live like Pharos but not for long. The future has arrived. Technology we once thought would bring about a wonderful utopia has now become a dystopia. Killer drones, unaffordable homes and a populace bowing down to smart phones.
The boomers have enjoyed the economic boom now the new generations will have to endure the bust. We must come together and unify.
With our endless consumption and connected oil wars in the Middle East the biosphere and world stage has been upturned. We now face onslaught of endless refugees, erratic weather and societal upheaval from the disarray caused by our fractured climate.
The chickens are now coming home to roost.
A rough road lies ahead.