
Human Erosion

Humanity is wearing down all of the planetary ecosystems...

How to Live Simply, Free and Sustainably

Page currently under construction – please bear with us Robin Greenfield is a prime example...

Hitler and the Nazis

The lesson of the Holocaust is the facility with which most people, put into a...


Hellscape Hellscape by G. Loft “To never have been born may be the greatest boon...

Hell Oil and Burning Planet

We have been sucking the blood out of our planet and suffocating it with the...


Civilization is the limitless multiplication of unnecessary necessities – Mark Twain Don’t buy it just...


Palestine is a concentration camp of starving, homeless, dispossessed of their homeland and communities. The...

Everything is F#cked

Our weather system is F#cked. We now have year round winters. We are hurtling towards...

Planet 3 billion – Automation and a changing environment means we will have to peacefully reduce our global population to reduce suffering and an environmental catastrophe. By reducing our numbers we can have fewer resource wars, less extinction and a clean preserved biosphere for generations to come. Infinite growth on a finite planet will lead to more wars, environmental destruction and a scorched Earth. No other species in the web of life uses and abuses the environment as much as we do. Our impact is the equivalent of multiple nuclear explosions every day.

Externa Source

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